Friday, July 5, 2013

Urinate now | cures shy bladder in just 1 week

Urinate now | cures shy bladder in just 1 week

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jake's story| about the system | order now | faq | blog | disclaimer | contact if you have difficulty going to the bathroom in public, read on... Finally, a cure has been found to permanently and quickly cure the condition of paruresis (otherwise known as shy bladder).

typical treatments, such as gradual exposure therapy, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, and systematic desensitization have so far worked only for a small number of people ... And may take several years.

but just recently, a breakthrough method that works in less than 7 days has been discovered and is currently curing people across the globe.

now, because of this groundbreaking method, many "hopeless cases" are now permanently cured.

before i explain how this is possible, let me share with you a personal story... When i was 12 years old i went on a long car trip with my family. A few hours in, i realized i needed to relieve my bladder. Not finding any close rest rooms, and nearing emergency, we did what most families would do. We pulled over to the side of the road.

however, when i got out of the car, i couldn't relieve myself. I couldn't help thinking about my whole family in the car who must be irritated with me for making them stop. I wanted to get this over with and back on the road, but i simply could not go.

i thought about the passing motorists watching the situation unfold, and the pressure became too great for me.

i was unable to more detail

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