Monday, July 15, 2013

Ultimate guide to handstand pushups

Ultimate guide to handstand pushups

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ultimate guide to handstand pushups is
- i beat out my previous pr in freestanding handstand pushups of 3 reps with 4 reps here.

this was live at the super human workshop and i really attribute that fourth rep to the group there. As you can hear they're cheering me on big time.

my next goal is to hit 5 handstand pushups in the open like this in a single set. From there i'll be moving on to my next goal of doing a tiger bend.

this is just one of the many hand stand training methods i'm currently doing to become stronger and more skills.

i know that this video will get tons of people hating on my form. Save it. I am purposefully doing arched handstands, and that bleeds over into the freestanding handstand pushups as well.

you can grab my book, the ultimate guide to handstand pushups here:

that book is more about strength than doing them out in the open, although there is a chapter on that. If you need to master the freestanding handstand i suggest you check this one out, secrets of the handstand:

you can also read more about this phenomenal exercise here:

within a month a new video course with even more handstand push up training information will be more detail

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