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from the desk of: dan white monday 13:07 dear friend, everybody is looking to make more money , and waves and waves of people are crashing on the shore of the internet and buying a load of products then being sucked back into the sea of 'normal' work after they realise a lot of the stuff they buy either doesn't work or is nowhere near as easy as they make it out to be .
but making money online is possible , and often it is a lot easier than people think, introducing the ultimate business - affiliate marketing. You just direct people to other websites to buy things, and if they do then you get a percentage of the sale for referring them , that means no dealing with customers and no dealing with stock or products or any kind - leave that to the merchants, you just send them the traffic and get checks in the mail
as an easy example then did you know has an affiliate program ? all you do is get people to visit amazon through your link and if they buy anything within 24 hours of clicking through, you get a percentage of the total sale amount (and people are buying things from amazon constantly ).
we may be in the grip of a recession but people are still buying things constantly , they are just more wary of prices now and most reports point to people going online for their purchases more and more to get the best deals this means while brick and mortar businesses are closing all around us then online businesses are thriving
i already mentioned more detail
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