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3 things you should know about marijuana: in recent years marijuana has become increasingly potent. People are starting to notice stronger thc levels in marijuana is creating a more serious addiction in users. Overlooked, people often run into problems when they try to cut down the habit or quit marijuana altogether.
short-term marijuana use does not pose too many health concerns. It is long-term regular marijuana use that creates serious ninja-like addiction problems in heavy users. Something alarming:
marijuana needs detox more than other drugs because metabolites of marijuana are fat-soluble: meaning they penetrate the fat cells in your body. Toxins found in weed can stay trapped inside a regular marijuana smoker for over 3 months, inside your fat cells
these 'metabolites' are released slowly back into your system over time and this is why you continue to experience withdrawals and cravings even after you quit. Sometimes people even still feel stoned when they have not smoked for days, for this very reason.
why? because they do not know about it. Most people also fail to quit weed within 7 days of quitting. However, after flushing remaining marijuana residue from your body you will feel healthier, have decreased cravings to smoke and experience no withdrawal symptoms like trouble sleeping or feelings of sickness.
this gives you an advantage. It's like quitting weed without having that first difficult 7 days. Without using detox is more detail
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