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wp reel pro for your android, iphone, ipad and even your web browser. Make "hotlinking" to your videos impossible. Creates auto expiring links for videos each time the page loads. Even if someone tries to post your video link, video will not play on external web sites. Ultimate security control is in your hands now.
change video player skin, auto play, auto buffer, show/hide controls bar, show video sharing options and lot more. Set them globally or change them for each video in your content.
impress viewers by placing your company logo on the video player and build a brand image. Simply provide your logo image web link in the settings page and all videos will instantly start showing your logo.
by default video player will use html5 to play your videos. If any of the viewers happen to use an old browser that doesn't support html5, wpreelpro will automatically fall back to flash version to play the videos.
your videos will play in 99.99% of web browsers and almost all mobile devices such as iphone, ipad, and android phones. Let your customers watch videos on the device that they love.
offer 10, 20, or 30 seconds preview of your videos to non-members. Make full length videos available only to paid/logged in customers. Our plugin automatically does that for you without you having to create separate preview videos.
play videos that are hosted on amazon s3, or the ones that are hosted locally on your web server. Wpreelpro creates more detail
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