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august 30, 2013 from: jeff dedrick re: automated traffic i f you've been around the internet marketing arena for any length of time, then i'm sure you've realized that one single thing stands between every marketer and online success.
that one thing... Well, that's traffic. Traffic is thelifebloodof any online business and is the driving force behind online sales and money getting... No question about it
unfortunately for most internet marketers, getting traffic is the roadblock they cannot overcome. They start out as excited as they can be, build a site, put it online, and then they sit by clicking refresh on their stats -- hoping against hope that someone (anyone) will visit their site...
the brutal truth of this industry is that probably 97% of internet marketers simply don't have enough website traffic to make a full time income -- much less even squeeze out a few sales every now and then.
and for the lucky ones that can get traffic, most won't be able to keep the traffic flowing for any length of time without enormous effort or expense.
until now... (more on this in a second)... Imagine... With a few quick clicks , traffic suddenly streams to your site... A heavy load of traffic that actually buys what you're selling...
and all of this could be yours without having to spend precious dollars on some high more detail
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