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the best exercises you've never heard of... These highly-targeted new exercises will practically force your body to quickly gain new muscle mass and strength with no more effort than you're putting in right now.
i've been training for a long time (more than 20 years) and i've seen it happen time and again: the moment i start sharing these laser-beam targeted exercises with a trainer who's been stuck in a training rut, it's like a lightbulb flashes on their enthusiasm for working out comes back and they start getting results again (growing like a weed and building strength like crazy) like when they first started training. It's happened with countless people that i've helped and i can promise that it will happen with you.
i'm so eager to share this stuff with you i'm really excited about the amazing gains you're going to make when you use these exercises. You see, the key to making continuous progress in weight training is change and that is exactly what these exercises are going to do for you
here is just a small sample of a few of the 53 unique exercises you're going to master... There are exercises in this book that you simply won't find anywhere else... Let me put it this through a bodybuilding magazine cover to cover and you'll find maybe a few articles containing information you don't already know. Maybe you'll learn one new exercise. Maybe you'll learn a trick or two for an exercise you already know. Maybe you won't learn anything new at more detail
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