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a working mom who needs to report back to work soon and is looking for a way to wean baby gently a stay-at-home mom who's caring for more than 1 baby or child a new mom who is unable to get your baby to latch on properly and is looking for a way to give your baby the benefits of breast milk
nursing a toddler who will soon need to be weaned seeking relief from breast engorgement and breast pain while weaning your baby a mom who expresses milk , but will soon be weaning your baby from breast milk looking for a way to help your baby sleep through the night by weaning baby from night feeding having a new born baby can be fun and exciting. Bonding with your child and getting to know your little one is one of the most rewarding things you can ever do your little baby was definitely worth the nine month wait for mothers, breastfeeding is a completely unique way of bonding and being connected to your child. The magic of breastfeeding is something nothing in this world can replace.
as much as you love nurturing and nourishing your child, though, the reality is that you do have other responsibilities, and you do have to go back to work. Because duty calls in other areas of your life, weaning your child from breastfeeding is something that must be done by every mother, and it must be done well.
weaning from breastfeeding is a topic that is not openly discussed. Just do a quick check on breastfeeding forums and you'll see how moms who are contemplating ending the more detail
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