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the fact that you re on this page tells me something about you. There are answers you seek, and one of them i am very sure is the secret to becoming the most feared level 90 player in your server.
well, i have a surprise for you because on this very page, you're about to learn the single most effective way to prepare for mists of pandaria and you won t need to mortgage two months of your life to do it...
it s been a life-changing secret for myself, my friends and countless others. And the best part is you will only need 2 things - your computer and a copy of mists of pandaria - it's that simple
i ve been asked by friends and guildies how this works, and i ll get to that in a second but first, here s why you should listen to me. Every two years, blizzard bestows upon us an expansion to the greatest mmorpg on the planet. We receive endless updates & months of anticipation before that magical moment when the servers reset, and the game is changed forever.
but, three days in, after power leveling through all the new content, checking out a dozen new dungeons and failing to sleep more than a few hours, you realize something...
you've spent too much gold leveling "the new profession", buying out mats at ridiculous prices on the auction house.
or because blizzard just came out with a new gold sink, this certain epic mount for a bajillion gold.
if you re like most people, you ve bought into the mega-promises of the more detail
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