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immediate results kit . This step-by-step kit provides a precise cleaning business plan to get it done right the first time. No trial and error here. Learn exactly what you should do and what to avoid.
graphic design work, without the price tag the savings alone for your high quality website is huge, regular website designers would charge in the $100 s not to mention the impressive marketing designs
thinking cap if you purchased these items separately it will cost you website: up to $280 due to multiple pages, custom domain name, and graphics. This is not your average shared website with only one page. Google page: approx. $20 flyer design: approx. $20 door hanger design both sides: approx. $30 business card design: approx. $20 postcard design both sides craigslist friendly: approx. $30 workshop to a successful cleaning service 15 video series: approx. $59.95 q & a with a cleaning coach whom is a leading expert: approx. $100+ quoting and cleaning method: approx. $200+ lifetime membership insures your access to all future upgrades $exponential costs
total approx. Cost: $759.95+ all this for only $38.95. Think about the next decision you will take do you know how that decision will affect you 1 or 2 months from now. Will it be a success or a failure. It's shooting in the dark, with the immediate results kit you don't have to worry of all those dreaded what ifs . Paying less than a tank of gas does not sound so bad does it? think about this, more detail
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